Sunday, October 12th, 2008...7:23 pm
Penalties handed out in Japan GP
I think the penalties meted out to Lewis and Felipe were fair and deserved. Despite Lewis’ claim that he didn’t hit anybody, he caused a right chaos which could have been avoidable. He’s been in racing long enough to take it like a man - so why didn’t he? He made a poor start and just didnt need to win the race.
As for Felipe, the tank slapping manoeuvre was unprofessional and unnecessary. His excuse is always the other driver’s fault, but he’s no passenger either, he’s a formula 1 driver for Ferrari. The penalty was absolutely justified as the collsion was avoidable.
The penalty on Sebastien Bordais was imo totally unjustified - Massa showed no respect and could have just out raced him into the next corner - but no not Felipe.
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