Max says issues are close to resolution

It was strange seeing Max Mosley talking to the BBC saying how close things were to resolution with FOTA and then seeing Flavio saying in contrast that the ‘break away’ is definitely happening. I also find it strange yet believable that Flavio Briatore says he loves Bernie Ecclestone yet he’s trying to take money away from him!

I also imagine Ron Dennis could get involved as he was pretty much forced to exit F1 for McLaren’s sake. I also think he was made the scapegoat for the NOTW’s sado masochistic exposure of Max Mosley so this would be his chance to exact revenge. Remember

I think the break away will happen as nothing could be further from the truth in regard to talks being close to resolution. Rumours are that talks have already been held with other circuits and Dorna. The TV deals will be tricky but I believe Flavio has the political and business nous to get things organised. Ross Brawn was even saying yesterday that things need to start happening in order to make the break away happen.

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